100 Ways to Be As Happy As Your Dog

100 Ways to Be As Happy As Your Dog

B. inggris Dialog 2 Indah: Will you work soon after graduation? Indah: What a noble purpose! Good luck, brother! Indah Congratulations! You've finally finished your studies. Now, you are a doctor. Indah Why are you interested in it? Indah: You will continue your studies? : You know, our father suffers from heart disease for years. That's why I want to treat him with my own hand. Bara: Bara : Thanks. Bara : Thanks for your prayer. Bara : That's my plan. I want to be a cardiologist. I won't. I am going to take a specialist degree.
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Dialog 2 Indah: Will you work soon after graduation? Indah: What a noble purpose! Good luck, brother! Indah Congratulations! You've finally finished your studies. Now, you are a doctor. Indah Why are you interested in it? Indah: You will continue your studies? : You know, our father suffers from heart disease for years. That's why I want to treat him with my own hand. Bara: Bara : Thanks. Bara : Thanks for your prayer. Bara : That's my plan. I want to be a cardiologist. I won't. I am going to take a specialist degree.
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Indah: Apakah kamu akan segera bekerja setelah lulus? Indah: Sungguh tujuan yang mulia! Semoga berhasil, saudara! Indah Selamat! Anda akhirnya menyelesaikan studi Anda. Sekarang, Anda adalah seorang dokter. Indah Mengapa Anda tertarik? Indah: Anda akan melanjutkan studi Anda? : Anda tahu, ayah kami menderita penyakit jantung selama bertahun-tahun. Itu sebabnya saya ingin memperlakukannya dengan tangan saya sendiri. Bara: Bara: Terima kasih. Bara: Terima kasih atas doamu. Bara : Itu rencanaku. Saya ingin menjadi ahli jantung. Aku tidak akan. Saya akan mengambil gelar spesialis.
